2013年10月1日 星期二

《衣務室》吳妍儀纖維實驗創作個展《The Clothing Business 》An Experimental Creation of Fibers: A Solo Exhibition by Wu Yen-I




座談會:2013/11/09(六),16:00-18:00 與談人:許瀞月(台北市立教育大學視覺藝術系教授)


《The Clothing Business 》An Experimental Creation of Fibers: A Solo Exhibition by Wu Yen-I




As the title “The Clothing Business” implies reveals the business related to clothing.The objects showcased at the exhibition are not made through the process of stitching one thread at a time.Instead, they were woven by a method of jet knitting fibers.This is an experimental creation of fibers that takes due to a spraying motion.

利用纖維噴織 可披覆塑型的特質,進行類衣服創作及日常物件的再現,物品或許不再具備原本的質感,但外型卻又令人熟悉,在此與觀者之間所產生質料錯置與似曾相識的對話感,是本次展出的中心。

Fibers that are weaved through jet knitting can be coated with plastic qualities, so that clothes-like creations and daily objects can be reproduced, items might not longer to have their original textures, but it appearances quite familiar.Meanwhile the major concept of this exhibition lies in the dialogue generated through a misplaced sense of deja vu by the viewer.


Like a spider, this machine spews webs to produce forms that are not moldable, unlike those constructed from plaster or paper pulp.The challenge lies in determining the correct angles of approach, controlling the thickness of the layers, adjusting the nozzles, and turning items by hand through a process of complete manual work. Nevertheless, I want to share my experiences regarding the creation of artwork with this new medium.This exhibition will feature a fashion show presenting these creations at 3 PM on October 28 at the National Taiwan Museum.


展演地點:台灣博物館1F大廳 (100台北市中正區襄陽路2號)



Admission time: 14:30~14:50 (觀眾入場時間14:30~14:50)


「奇想」來自此次展覽所衍生,對傳統旗袍所產生新的奇幻異想。本秀展共約20套服裝,分四個系列:一、輕巧時尚 二、幾何解構 三、褶褶疊疊 四、實驗創新。以造型藝術的觀點出發,對傳統旗袍的基本結構:立領、收腰、盤扣、開衩、袖型;進行改造與重組。使用不同的材質:紗、緞、綿、皮革、化纖、塑膠…等作幾何造型的褶、縫與質感拼接,詮釋創作者對旗袍的創新視點。

《Fantasy》 The Solo Fashion show of Wu Yen-I

Drawing from imaginations regarding traditional Chinese Gipaos, the exhibition, Fantasy, will feature twenty pieces of clothing that can be divided into the categories: sleek and stylish, geometric patterns, folding patterns, and experimental. Invoking the plastic arts, the designs of these traditional Chinese Gipaos serve as experiments with collars, waists, plate buttons, slits, sleeve layouts, and other formats. Using silk, satin, cotton, leather, chemical fibers, and even plastic for fabric, various kinds of pleats, sewing, and textures are achieved to shape a new perspective on the design of Gipaos.


                                 吳妍儀-鳥語花香#1  水彩 watercolor 46 x50cm  2016   吳妍儀-鳥語花香#2  水彩 watercolor 46 x50cm  201...